for soirées, snacks and everyday feasts
We believe that any meal, whether it’s take-out (again) or a dinner party with friends, can be just a little bit more.
in case you're wondering...
Easy peasy. Just machine wash and dry however you like. To minimize wrinkles (and ironing), we like to remove the napkins from the dryer while warm, smooth flat and then fold. For a crisp, more formal look, a quick pass of a steam iron does the trick.
A great gift. People love zhuzh-ing up their meal time aesthetic, and they'll appreciate your good taste! As always, we'll package up your pick with colorful style, and we can hand-write your note, too. Just include the message when you add to cart, in the Special Instructions field.
We usually make a drop at USPS on Tuesdays and Fridays, but if you're in a special hurry, just reach out via email (hello@willowship.com) or the store chat and we'll sort you out.

My super simple 3-step gift idea formula
From Mother's Day, to housewarming celebrations to the holidays, gifting can sometimes feel overwhelming.
Can we simplify it? Is there a magic formula behind finding the perfect gift or assembling a great handful of treasures? Not sure if it's magical, but I think there is a super simple 3-step gift formula for putting together a perfectly sweet, thoughtful mini gift basket or box...

3 modern ways to be old fashioned
On reclaiming delight, slowness and calm.
A customer recently emailed with a sweet compliment: that our products like cloth napkins keep old fashioned customs relevant for modern lifestyles. We always love hearing from customers, and I particularly love that idea. So, I've been thinking about a few more ways I aim to be old fashioned in a modern way...